Summer Solstice 2016

This morning I sat on a rock with my journal writing about the heaviness that has taken residence in my chest. The sunrise on this summer solstice charged my soul and invited me to bring focused awareness to my body in that moment. A passage recently read came to mind:

...nature openly accepts the flood of strong emotions in the same way it accepts the excesses of the sun, the scourge of winds, and occasional downpour of rain.
— Michael Meade-The Genius Myth

In that moment I gave myself permission to offload the fatigue and the chattering mental energy I have been experiencing.  As I became more present in the magic of the moment I began to feel connected to the beauty I was surrounded by. I began hearing the messages in my depression. The answers to where my energy has gone and why it has gone away began bubbling up. I am reminded of the beauty of my body's innate ability to heal-whatever has the power to wound me has the same power to heal and transform me.

Dynamic Emotional Integration® is all about gentle exploration of our lives. Our psyche likes small movements. Letting go of one small thing so that we can welcome in one small new thing. At the heart of DEI, is a desire to create beautiful new stories of empathy. I find deep acceptance for myself and others through my practice and teaching of Dynamic Emotional Integration. This morning was especially magical because my friend Tiffany N. Josephs brought together a collection of souls to witness one another. This morning was my practice and my community.

What is living in the heaviness in my chest? A situational depression. I have some ideas of what it is surrounding and I have some ideas of how to slowly move through some lifestyle and behavior changes I think will help lift me out of the fog. 

Situational depression refers to a low mood that tracks to something you can affect with changes to your lifestyle or behavior. There are many other forms of depression, many of which require therapeutic or medical intervention. If your depression is cyclical or if it doesn’t respond to healing changes you make, please seek counseling or therapeutic support.
— Karla McLaren