An Excerpt from Michael Meade The Genius Myth

Our longings tell us that there is another half, a better half, a fuller life somewhere. We enter life full of longing; we are born to it, born of it. Each life is wrapped around longings set inside dreams wound into the fabric of our souls. We die for a lack of knowing how big our longing truly is, and we die from allowing our true longings to be diminished by the banality of life and the ways in which we continue to abandon ourselves.
The problem is not that we long for something; the problem is that so much of our genuine longing for life can become lost in the fog of memories or the haze of confusion and speed of changes that now characterize the human village.
— Michael Meade

Thank you Michael Meade for this invitation. I long to move through life as myself. 

If you are interested to know more about Michael Meade and his work, hop on over to Mosaic Voices . It is well worth your time.

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Andrea Watkins